Microgranulates MG

Our offering is supplemented by PS microgranules that offer a large surface area in relation to their mass. These products are used in the following applications:

  • as matrixes for mixing, dispersing or solving and bonding the additives later on used as colorants or masterbatches;
  • as reagents;
  • SMC, where the microgranulate is dissolved in styrene;
  • as an additive to rubbers;
  • for injections and applications for molding

Technical information

Type Melt volume flow rate [cm3/10 min] Vicat softening point [°C] Charpy impact strength without notch [kJ/m2] Flexural strength [MPa] TDS SDS SSS
Polystyrene 130M 25 85 10 61 Pobierz plik Pobierz plik
Polystyrene 170M 25 102 5 36 Pobierz plik Pobierz plik Pobierz plik
Polystyrene 171M 1,6 102 16 61 Pobierz plik Pobierz plik Pobierz plik


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