

Synthos PS HI 336M

Type with very good liquidity


Synthos PS HI 552M

High-impact type for broad range of applications


Synthos PS HI 562E

High-impact type with properties suitable for thermal molding


Synthos PS HI 662E

High-impact type with properties suitable for thermal molding


Technical information

Type Characteristics Processing method Application Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet
SYNTHOS PS HI 336M Very easy melt flow. IM Products with complex shapes, thin walls, possibility to achieve high processing efficiency. Pobierz plik Pobierz plik
SYNTHOS PS HI 552M High impact strength, extensive applications. IM Consumer goods and technical elements exposed to increased mechanical loads. Good results are obtained in profile extrusion. Pobierz plik Pobierz plik
SYNTHOS PS HI 562E High impact strength, good hot molding properties. E, T Hot-molded panels, films, technical elements and packagings (e.g. packagings for the food and dairy industry). Pobierz plik Pobierz plik
SYNTHOS PS HI 662E High impact strength, good hot molding properties. E, T Panels with complex surface finish, molded technical elements, films and packagings. Pobierz plik Pobierz plik

IM = injection molding, E = extrusion, T- thermoforming, MSDS = material safety data sheets


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