Woodmax SW 12.47

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Woodmax SW 12.47


Single-component adhesive based on polyvinyl acetate aqueous dispersion and performance additives. The bond quickly achieves high strength parameters and has very good adhesiveness to wooden surfaces. The adhesive bond meets the water resistance requirements for D2 class in accordance with PN-EN 204 standard.

    • gluing hardwood
    • gluing softwood
    • tongue and groove joints
    • gluing plywood
    • gluing other wood-based materials
    • intended for use in hot presses
    • intended for use in cold presses and manual gluing

  • Sizing process

    It is recommended to thoroughly mix the adhesive before use. The adhesive may be applied on one or two sides, using a brush, spatula, bottle with a feeder, applicator, manual roller or machine (with nozzles or rollers).


Viscosity pH MTTF Strength After 25 minutes Weld
High Does not cause discoloration approx. 8 [°C] min. 3 [MPa] colorless, flexible, not blunting tools, ageing-resistant
  • Viscosity pH
    High Does not cause discoloration
    MTTF Strength After 25 minutes
    approx. 8 [°C] min. 3 [MPa]
    colorless, flexible, not blunting tools, ageing-resistant