Woodmax P 11.583

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Woodmax P 11.583


Single-component, polyvinyl acetate dispersion based adhesive with performance additives, for flexible joints. After achieving full strength, the bond has good adhesiveness to paper surfaces and moderate adhesiveness to wooden, wood-based and plastic surfaces.

    • gluing paper
    • gluing cardboards
    • pasting labels on glass packagings
    • gluing internal footwear parts
    • pasting paper to wood
    • pasting fabrics to wood
    • intended for use in cold presses and manual gluing

  • Sizing process

    It is recommended to thoroughly mix the adhesive before use. The adhesive may be applied on one or two sides, using a brush, spatula, bottle with a feeder, applicator or manual roller.


Viscosity pH MTTF Strength After 25 minutes Weld
High Does not cause discoloration approx. 0 [°C] - colorless, not blunting tools, ageing-resistant
  • Viscosity pH
    High Does not cause discoloration
    MTTF Strength After 25 minutes
    approx. 0 [°C] -
    colorless, not blunting tools, ageing-resistant