Aktuelle Bekanntmachungen und Ausschreibungen

Aktuelle Ausschreibungen und Beschaffungen

  • Zapytanie ofertowe nr 1026/2021

    Firma Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka jawna – z siedzibą w Oświęcimiu 32-600, przy ul. Chemików 1, zarejestrowaną w Sądzie Rejonowym w Krakowie XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego nr rejestru KRS 0000490507, podatnik podatku VAT NIP 9591762828

    ogłasza przetarg na:

    “Budowa nowego RTO – wykonanie robót branży elektrycznej”

    Jeśli Państwa firma jest zainteresowana wzięciem udziału w procedurze przetargowej, to prosimy o kontakt e-mail:

    Termin składania ofert: do dnia 29.10.2021 do godz. 12:00.

  • Zapytanie ofertowe nr 1073/2021

    Firma Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka jawna – z siedzibą w Oświęcimiu 32-600, przy ul. Chemików 1, zarejestrowaną w Sądzie Rejonowym w Krakowie XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego nr rejestru KRS 0000490507, podatnik podatku VAT NIP 9591762828

    ogłasza przetarg na:

    “Wykonanie dokumentacji wykonawczej, powykonawczej oraz prac w branży budowlanej, mechanicznej, AKP i elektrycznej”

    Jeśli Państwa firma jest zainteresowana wzięciem udziału w procedurze przetargowej, to prosimy o kontakt e-mail:

    Termin składania ofert: do dnia 03.11.2021 do godz. 12:00.

  • Zapytanie ofertowe nr 1116/2021

    Firma Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka jawna – z siedzibą w Oświęcimiu 32-600, przy ul. Chemików 1, zarejestrowaną w Sądzie Rejonowym w Krakowie XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego nr rejestru KRS 0000490507, podatnik podatku VAT NIP 9591762828

    ogłasza przetarg na:

    Opracowanie koncepcji techniczno-kosztowej metody/technologii odzysku azotu w silosach na Wydziale Owipianu I w obiekcie C-110 w ramach zadania inwestycyjnego pn. ” Recyrkulacja azotu w silosach ”

    Jeśli Państwa firma jest zainteresowana wzięciem udziału w procedurze przetargowej, to prosimy o kontakt e-mail:

    Termin składania ofert: do dnia 19.11.2021 do godz. 12:00.

  • Dotyczy: Rozbudowa instalacji do produkcji polistyrenu do spieniania InVento X (budowa drugiej linii do produkcji tworzywa sztucznego w postaci perełek polistyrenowych do spieniania – ekstrudowany polistyren, xEPS)

    Firma Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka jawna – z siedzibą w Oświęcimiu 32-600, przy ul. Chemików 1, zarejestrowaną w Sądzie Rejonowym w Krakowie XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego nr rejestru KRS 0000490507, podatnik podatku VAT NIP 9591762828

    ogłasza przetarg na:

    Włączenia technologiczne i przekładki” w ramach zadania inwestycyjnego pn. „Rozbudowa instalacji do produkcji polistyrenu do spieniania InVento X (budowa drugiej linii do produkcji tworzywa sztucznego w postaci perełek polistyrenowych do spieniania – ekstrudowany polistyren, xEPS)”

    Zapytanie obejmuje: 24 punkty wpięć w istniejącą instalację wraz z dostawą niezbędnych materiałów (m.in. rury, armatury, uszczelki połączenia złączno-rozłączne) oraz przełożeniem około 1000m kabli. Włączenia pozwolą na rozbudowę instalacji w trzecim kwartale 2022 r.

    Szczegółowy zakres i opis przedmiotu zadania, warunki jego wykonania oraz wymagania Zamawiającego przedstawione są we wzorze Umowy wraz z załącznikami.

    Aby uzyskać dokumentacje przetargową niezbędne jest podpisanie umowy o zachowaniu poufności (dalej NDA) znajdującej się w załączeniu. Dokumentacja przetargowa zostanie udostępniona tylko tym podmiotom, które podpiszą NDA. Podpisanie NDA umożliwi Państwu udział we wszystkich postępowaniach na realizację zadań, które będą publikowanie w ramach Inwestycji.

    Jeśli Państwo są zainteresowani udziałem w postępowaniu przetargowym, prosimy o podpisanie umowy o zachowaniu poufności przez uprawnionego przedstawiciela Wykonawcy za pomocą kwalifikowanego podpisu elektronicznego i przesłanie na adres mailowy: 

    lub w przypadku podpisania wersji papierowej, przesłania dwóch oryginałów na adres:

    Synthos S.A.

    ul. Chemików 1,

    32-600 Oświęcim,

    Michał Domasik,

    budynek E-119, II piętro, p.16

    Termin składania ofert: do dnia 13.12.2021 r. do godz. 09:00



    Wzór umowy NDA


  • [EN]          

    1                Project

    Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES). The WTES shall be operated with Pre-RDF (refuse derived fuel) deriving from mechanical-biological treatment plants, general municipal solid waste plus sludge from a sewage treatment plant. The plant shall produce power and process steam for the existing Synthos facilities.

    WTES will be realized taking into consideration regulations and obligation stated in the Project documentation which will be disclosed as tender inquiry documents, below descrirption is just a brief information of the Project.

    2                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, presumably:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate incinerator and horizontal boiler

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. spray dryer, reactor, fabric filter, scrubber, SCR

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. feedwater tank, pumps, turbine-generator, air cooled condenser

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. switchgear, cabling, hard and software for controls and MMI

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    3                Design Basis

    The refuse and sludge delivery will be effected by truck, as well as for utilities and residues. The plant’s total capacity shall be approx. 20 Mg/h incl. ca. 12 % sludge, corresponding with 75 Mg/h of life steam at 70 bar / 400 °C and 120,000 Nm3/h of flue gas. The major part of the steam is used as medium pressure steam in the existing Synthos facilities.

    4                Permission

    The WTES shall comply with current EU and Polish legislation. The Permission by local authorities is granted.

    5                Schedule

    The very tight schedule includes the issue of tender enquiries for Lots 1 and 2 in May 2022 and ordering in Oct 2022. The other Lots are to follow in due course, i.e. enquiry Lot 3 in June, Lot 4 in July, Lot 5 in September and Lot 6 in August 2022. Construction will begin in April 2023, the process components erection in Nov. 2023. Commercial operation of the WTES shall be starting in Jan. 2025.

    6                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please contact our EPCM directly at:

  • [EN]    

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 25.03.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), where short description of the project was provided, we inform that tender procedures for Lot 1 and Lot 2 are launched in accordance with point 4 below.

    2                Project

    The WTES shall be operated with wastes with codes: 19 12 12 – other wastes from mechanical treatment of wastes (so called Pre-RDF (refuse derived fuel)), 20 03 01 – mixed municipal waste and 19 08 05 – sewage sludge coming from mainly from a munipicpial sewage treatment plant in Oświęcim. The plant shall produce power and process steam.

    WTES will be realized considering generally applicable law regulations, regulations in force in the Synthos production plant  and in the Project documentation which will be disclosed as tender inquiry documents, below descrirption is just a brief information of the Project.

    3                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    4                Tenders

    Tender enquiries for Lots 1 and 2 will be published since 27.05.2022 to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadline to issue the proposal: till 12.08.2022 till 12.00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Tender conditions are described in Part A0 of tender enquiry documentation, and detailed subject of tender is described in parts A-E of that documentation and in attachments.

    Tender enquiry documents for another Lots will be launched as follow:

    Lot 3 – June 2022,

    Lot 4 – July 2022,

    Lot 5 – September 2022,

    Lot 6 – August 2022

    Construction of the WTES has started in 2021, the process components erection starts in Nov. 2023. Commercial operation of the WTES shall be starting in Jan. 2025.

    5                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 25.03.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), where short description of the project was provided, and announcement published on 27.05.2022, we inform that tender procedure for Lot 3 is launched in accordance with point 4 below.

    2                Project

    The WTES shall be operated with wastes with codes: 19 12 12 – other wastes from mechanical treatment of wastes (so called Pre-RDF (refuse derived fuel)), 20 03 01 – mixed municipal waste and 19 08 05 – sewage sludge coming from mainly from a munipicpial sewage treatment plant in Oświęcim. The plant shall produce power and process steam.

    WTES will be realized considering generally applicable law regulations, regulations in force in the Synthos production plant  and in the Project documentation which will be disclosed as tender inquiry documents, below descrirption is just a brief information of the Project.

    3                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    4                Tenders

    Tender enquiries for Lots 1 and 2 are published since 27.05.2022, for Lot 3 is published since 30.06.2022 to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 1 and Lot 2 is 12.08.2022 till 12.00, for Lot 3 is 24.08.2022 till 12:00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Tender conditions are described in Part A0 of tender enquiry documentation, and detailed subject of tender is described in parts A-E of that documentation and in attachments.

    Tender enquiry documents for another Lots will be launched as follow:

    Lot 4 – August 2022,

    Lot 5 – September 2022,

    Lot 6 – August 2022

    Construction of the WTES has started in 2022, the process components erection starts in Nov. 2023. Commercial operation of the WTES shall be starting in Jan. 2025.

    5                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]          

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 27.05.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 1 and Lot 2 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadline for issuing proposals for Lot 1 and Lot is moved.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 1 and Lot 2 is:

    12.09.2022 till 12.00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]          

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 25.03.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), where short description of the project was provided, and latter published information, we inform that tender procedure for Lot 6 is launched in accordance with point 4 below.

    2                Project

    The WTES shall be operated with wastes with codes: 19 12 12 – other wastes from mechanical treatment of wastes (so called Pre-RDF (refuse derived fuel)), 20 03 01 – mixed municipal waste and 19 08 05 – sewage sludge coming from mainly from a munipicpial sewage treatment plant in Oświęcim. The plant shall produce power and process steam.

    WTES will be realized considering generally applicable law regulations, regulations in force in the Synthos production plant  and in the Project documentation which will be disclosed as tender inquiry documents, below descrirption is just a brief information of the Project.

    3                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    4                Tenders

    Tender enquiries for Lots 1 and 2 are published since 27.05.2022, for Lot 3 is published since 30.06.2022 to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadline to issue the proposal for:

    Lot 1 and Lot 2 is 12.09.2022 till 12.00,

    Lot 3 is 26.09.2022 till 12:00,

    Lot 6 is 26.10.2022 till 12:00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Tender conditions are described in Part A0 of tender enquiry documentation, and detailed subject of tender is described in parts A-E of that documentation and in attachments.

    Tender enquiry documents for another Lots will be launched as follow:

    Lot 4 – Mid of September 2022,

    Lot 5 – Mid of September 2022,


    Construction of the WTES has started in 2022, the process components erection starts in Nov. 2023. Commercial operation of the WTES shall be starting in Feb. 2025.

    5                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 25.03.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), where short description of the project was provided, and latter published information, we inform that deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 2 (Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR) is moved.

    Changed deadline is:

    for Lot 2: 19.09.2022 till 12.00


    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Deadline to issue the proposal for:

    Lot 1 is 12.09.2022 till 12.00,

    Lot 3 is 26.09.2022 till 12:00,

    Lot 6 is 28.09.2022 till 12:00.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 25.03.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), where short description of the project was provided, and latter published information, we inform that tender procedure for Lot 5 is launched in accordance with point 4 below.

    2                Project

    The WTES shall be operated with wastes with codes: 19 12 12 – other wastes from mechanical treatment of wastes (so called Pre-RDF (refuse derived fuel)), 20 03 01 – mixed municipal waste and 19 08 05 – sewage sludge coming from mainly from a munipicpial sewage treatment plant in Oświęcim. The plant shall produce power and process steam.

    WTES will be realized considering generally applicable law regulations, regulations in force in the Synthos production plant  and in the Project documentation which will be disclosed as tender inquiry documents, below descrirption is just a brief information of the Project.

    3                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    4                Tenders

    Offers for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 are received and are under evaluation.

    Deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 6 is 26.10.2022 till 12:00.

    Tender enquiry for Lot 5 is published since 07.10.2022, to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 5 is 26.10.2022 till 12:00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Tender conditions are described in Part A0 of tender enquiry documentation, and detailed subject of tender is described in parts A-E of that documentation and in attachments.

    Tender enquiry documents for Lot 4 will be launched in October 2022,

    Construction of the WTES has started in 2022, the process components erection starts in Nov. 2023. Commercial operation of the WTES shall be starting in Feb. 2025.

    5                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 30.08.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 6 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadline for issuing proposals for Lot 6 is moved.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 6 is:

    20.12.2022 till 12.00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 25.03.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), where short description of the project was provided, and latter published information, we inform that tender procedure for Lot 4 is launched in accordance with point 4 below.

    2                Project

    The WTES shall be operated with wastes with codes: 19 12 12 – other wastes from mechanical treatment of wastes (so called Pre-RDF (refuse derived fuel)), 20 03 01 – mixed municipal waste and 19 08 05 – sewage sludge coming from mainly from a munipicpial sewage treatment plant in Oświęcim. The plant shall produce power and process steam.

    WTES will be realized considering generally applicable law regulations, regulations in force in the Synthos production plant  and in the Project documentation which will be disclosed as tender inquiry documents, below descrirption is just a brief information of the Project.

    3                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    4                Tenders

    Offers for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 are received and are under evaluation.

    Deadline to issue the proposal for:

    Lot 5 is 09.12.2022 till 12:00.

    Lot 6 is 20.12.2022 till 12:00.

    Tender enquiry for Lot 4 is published since 28.10.2022, to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 4 is 23.12.2022 till 12:00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Tender conditions are described in Part A0 of tender enquiry documentation, and detailed subject of tender is described in parts A-E of that documentation and in attachments.

    Construction of the WTES has started in 2022, the process components erection starts in Nov. 2023. Commercial operation of the WTES shall be starting in Feb. 2025.

    5                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 07.10.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 5 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadline for issuing proposals for Lot 5 is moved.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 5 is:

    16.12.2022 till 12.00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 07.10.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 5 to announcement published on 28.10.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 4 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadlines for issuing proposals for Lot 4, 5 and 6 are moved due to changes of key commercial conditions of the contract draft as a result of public donation of the Project.

    Proposed contract draft with changed commercial conditions will be provided on the beginning of the year 2023. Bidders are allowed to ask questions in a procedure of questions. Changed deadline to issue the proposal for:

    Lot 4 is: 23.02.2023. 12.00.

    Lot 5 is: 20.02.2023. 12.00

    Lot 6 is: 06.02.2023. 12.00

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.j., ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to published announcements concerning tender processes for Lots 1, 2 and 3 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that these tenders are cancelled due to the fact that none of the received proposals did not met fully commercial conditions required in Tender Enquiry Documents (TED) by the Principal and due to necessity providing some corrections in commercial and technical parts in TED. Due to conditions of public donation of the Project, change of the condition of the tender requires repetition of the tender process. Information about new tenders for Lots 1, 2 and 3 will be provided on Synthos webpage.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcements concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform about planned time schedule of start of tenders for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3.

    2                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    3                Tenders

    Tender Enquiry Documentation for Lots 1, 2 and 3 will be published as  follow:

    for Lot 1 – 23.12.2022

    for Lot 2 – 11.01.2023

    for Lot 3 – 16.01.2023

    to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadlines to issue the proposal will be defined in Tender Enquiry Documents, but it will be at least 30 days.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    4                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement dated 14.12.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that tender procedure for Lot 1 is launched in accordance with point 3 below.

    2                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    3                Tenders

    Tender Enquiry Documentation (TED) for Lot 1 is published since 22.12.2022 to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadline to issue the proposal is 30.01.2023 till 12.00

    Place to deliver the proposal is: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Tender conditions are described in Part A0 of TED, and detailed subject of tender is described in parts A-E of that documentation and it’s attachments.

    4                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement dated 14.12.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that tender procedure for Lot 2 is launched in accordance with point 3 below.

    2                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    3                Tenders

    Tender Enquiry Documentation (TED) for Lot 2 is published since 13.01.2023 to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadline to issue the proposal is 14.02.2023 till 12.00

    Place to deliver the proposal is: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Tender conditions are described in Part A0 of TED, and detailed subject of tender is described in parts A-E of that documentation and it’s attachments.

    4                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 22.12.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 1 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadline for issuing proposals for Lot 1 is moved.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 1 is:

    15.02.2023 till 12.00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 30.08.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 6 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadline for issuing proposals for Lot 6 is moved.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 6 is:

    20.03.2023 till 12.00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement dated 14.12.2022 concerning Synthos plans to order a waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that tender procedure for Lot 3 is launched in accordance with point 3 below.

    2                Lots

    It is envisaged to tender in lots, as follow:

    Lot 1, Grate & Boiler, incl. grate integrated with horizontal boiler.

    Lot 2, Flue Gas Treatment, incl. semi-dry method with scrubber, SCR.

    Lot 3, Water & Steam, incl. turbine-generator, feedwater retention tank, pumps, cooling installation.

    Lot 4, Electrical and Control, incl. power supply and output together with complete control system (DCS).

    Lot 5, Civil, incl. foundation, concrete structures, steel construction and building services

    Lot 6, Cranes, incl. for waste and bottom ash.

    3                Tenders

    Tender Enquiry Documentation (TED) for Lot 3 is published since 30.01.2023 to the entities which expressed interest for participation in tenders and has signed NDA.

    Deadline to issue the proposal is 10.03.2023 till 12.00

    Place to deliver the proposal is: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    Tender conditions are described in Part A0 of TED, and detailed subject of tender is described in parts A-E of that documentation and it’s attachments.

    4                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 22.12.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 1 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadline for issuing proposals for Lot 1 is moved.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 1 is:

    21.02.2023 till 12.00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 13.01.2023 concerning start of tender process for Lot 2 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadline for issuing proposals for Lot 2 is moved.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for Lot 2 is:

    28.02.2023 till 12.00.

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 07.10.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 5 to announcement published on 28.10.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 4 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadlines for issuing proposals for Lot 4, 5.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for:

    Dla Lot 4: 10.03.2023 till 12.00.

    Dla Lot 5: 10.03.2023 till 12.00

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • [EN]

    1                Introduction

    In reference to announcement published on 22.12.2022 concerning start of tender process for Lot 1 to announcement published on 13.01.2023 concerning start of tender process for Lot 2 for Project: construction of waste-to-energy plant (WTES), we inform that deadlines for issuing proposals for Lot 1, 2.

    Changed deadline to issue the proposal for:

    Dla Lot 1: 06.03.2023 till 12.00.

    Dla Lot 2: 06.03.2023 till 12.00

    Place to deliver the proposal: Synthos Dwory 7 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim, Polska.

    2                Contact

    If you are interested in participating in tender procedures, please send expression of interest for tendering via email directly to our EPCM at:

    Entities which sent an email with expression of interest in tendering procedures, will receive a draft of non-disclosure agreement (NDA). After signing NDA, entities will receive access to the tender documentation within the timeframes set out in the schedule.

  • We inform that MS Galleon Group is seeking to the Natural Gas Supplier to its industrial facilities in Poland and Czechia. The aggregated forecast of annual consumption amounts to nearly 5 TWh annually. The terms of delivery, deadline for submission of electronic bids and other relevant conditions are set forth in the RFI and the Appendices.

    MS Galleon Group is an international holding including over 30 business entities across the globe in six segments such as: Industrials, Green Energy, Omnichannel Retail, Food & Beverages, SciTech and DiTech.

    The offer must be submitted by 27.11.2024 at 4 p.m. in an electronic form to the email address:

    Submission guidelines

    We appreciate your interest in partnering with us and look forward to reviewing your comprehensive information. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact:

    or in urgent cases:

    Please confirm your readiness to submit a quotation by email to:

    RFI and the Appendices:

    0_RFI_Natural Gas Supply to MS Galleon Group in 2026–2028

    Appendix no. 1 – Synthos_Ekovoltis_MSG_presentation

    Appendix no. 2 – Investor Brief

    Appendix no. 3 Historical and forecast consumption

    Appendix no. 4 – Bid form with necessary information to delivery as per option “VTP point”

    Appendix no. 5 – Bid form with necessary information to delivery as per option “Factory gate”

    Appendix no. 6 – Bid form with necessary information to delivery as per option “LNG to the terminal”